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The Paper ArtistPaper cutting on 165gsm paper
400mm x 120mm
Click on image to zoomWell, this was supposed to be for a competition with the theme 'I' (me, myself). But somehow I strayed a little and tadaa, here's a story about the paper artist!!! Well, its a story about me but with fantasy elements (I can never escape fantasy) and exaggerations. Anyways whatever he cuts comes to life! Look at the butterflies!!! I know its kinda cliche but you can never beat a classic!
The Four KingsPaper cutting using 165gsm paper and penknife
580mm x 580mm
Click on image to zoomIts the debut of The Four Kings! This one was fun, supposedly intricate, but my fingers were hurting badly and I just got lazy, hehe. So as you can see each King is in their own element~The Bird has the feathery motifsThe Fish has the swishy-curly designs to represent waterThe Lion being majestic and all has his 'royal' ribbons and lastlyThe Deer who has the branchesI really had fun making separate designs for each king and then putting em' altogether.So a little background info on the Kings:The Bird- is the King of the Skies, he takes care of that realm and he uses a staff. Originally I wanted this character to be a Queen...but then I'll have to rename this chandelier to '3 Kings and A Queen'. Sounds like a sitcom.The Fish- is the King of Seas. He carries a globe that holds vasts amounts of water for various uses.The Lion- King of the West Lands. Uses a rapier. Has been in a quest with The Gun GirlThe Deer- is the King of the East Lands. He uses a sword.
StoryPaper cutting using 165gsm paper and penknife
460mm x 360mm
Click on image to zoomWhat's in a story? Well in this case, its a few short stories all carved up into one tear-shaped paper chandelier. I think this piece had the most characters in it, and if you look closer you might be able to see some familiar characters from my past works~ And some of the clothing/costume designs were the ones I designed for a friend's play, but since they didn't use it I decided not to let it go to waste! heheWell, there are around 13 short stories? I'm not so sure myself cause' there are some stories where new characters come in later. But take a look and interpret the pictures, let your imagination go wild and think what is portrayed in the images. Well, there is no right or wrong. I like to see what other people 'see' from the images. It's really interesting.
The Big PicturePaper cutting using 165gsm paper and penknife
490mm x 350mm
Click on image to zoomSee the big picture? But then you might have to turn it upside down...I tried to make the illusion-thingy but it was an EPIC FAIL. Ok, maybe it wasn't so bad but this one is a paper cutting made by a person who didn't know what he wanted but went with it anyways~ This is what you get.The idea was to make it look as innocent as possible, but a skull-ish gas mask is revealed when you turn it upside down~ I had no idea what innocent elements to put in, so in came the second idea where I wanted to tackle world issues: poverty, suffering (those sort of things) but then I realized that the skull eyes will get too packed with all the images, and it won't look like a skull no more, so I ended up with cheesy plants and lines that mean nothing. Although I like the hands reachin' out to one another thingy, creepy,no? and kudos if you spot my hand, the one with six fingers, and another one thats giving the finger...hehe.
Tree of LifePaper cutting using 165gsm paper and penknife
Dimension unknown (undocumented and not in my possession)
Click on image to zoomThe Tree of Life, many legends talk about it, so I decided to do one on it. Its supposed to depict a sacred ritual where the priests collect a certain liquid that the tree secretes. Forgive me of my gibberish, as usual its all made up. I'm so full of crap~ But this I gave to my friend William as a present! Hope ya like it!
Up is DownPaper cutting using 165gsm paper and penknife
420mm x 595mm
Click on image to zoomAh~ This is one of my favourites! I thrive on chaos, hehe. Well, not much explaining to do here. I actually wanted to focus more on the architectural elements but in the end I had to add in some fantasy elements as well, sighs~ Anyways one of my most detailed works to date!
Its been awhile and yes, I admit I've been doing some slacking, too much actually I've neglected to archive me ol' works but anyhoo~ I'm here now and I'm determined to finish em' all!
Paper cutting using 165gsm paper and penknife
525mm x 400mm
Click on image to zoomThis chandelier represents a hierarchy of part a of my imagination-fueled kingdom which has no name. The one on top is supposedly a seraphim (an angel) it has 3 pair of wings. So I guess she's the one taking care of everything (Note: I randomly made these characters as I go along, so for give me if it sounds cheesy!). Then second row are the 3 brothers, their faces can never be seen and they represent birth, maintainence and death, the processes of life. As we, see The Four Kings, they rule the air, land and sea. I actually made another chandelier specially for em'.
Below the kings are insects/fairies that rule over night and day, which I haven't really worked on and next in line are humans. There's a king in the centre and the four heroes, one of them if you look closely is The Gun Girl, hehe. And the ones at the bottom are the 5 mythical creatures being locked up till The Coming. Yup so thats it for this one!~